Difference Between Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga

Difference Between Ashtanga Yoga and Hatha Yoga

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Yoga practice is a discipline that requires the involvement of both mind and spirit. It involves a lot of determination and dedication to trail through the path of self-discovery. In short, Yoga practice is much more than a physical exercise. For ages, there have been great ways of yoga practices established and combined to accomplish hundreds of disciplines through which physical strengthening is achieved and enlightenment.

 Yoga is practiced for a broad range of reasons. For some, it might be for stress relief, for few others for fitness and mindfulness, and another set for spiritual reasons. Hence, different types of Yoga practices like Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Power Yoga, and many more. 

You might be thinking about the difference between Ashtanga yoga and Hatha Yoga. Knowing how they differ from each other can aid you to recognize their unique benefits and choose which is Yoga practice is best for you:

 Hatha Yoga

The word “Hatha” originally means the physical practice of Yoga. Hence it can be applied to any practice. It also denotes the combination of the sun, “ha,” and the moon, “that.” 

Hatha Yoga comprises basic Yoga poses combined with deep breathing, focusing on the breath, and meditation.

Hatha Yoga poses are suitable for people who are introduced new to Yoga or who want to focus more on the mild, easy-going, reflective aspects versus a yoga practice that is also physically demanding. Hatha Yoga practitioners can expect a robust involvement of self-transformation to align the whole body, soul, and mind. 

The origin of Hatha Yoga poses is still unknown, but the Hatha Yoga poses serve as a foundation for all other Yoga forms. Hatha Yoga poses help in relieving stress and attain more positivity and calmness. 

Ashtanga Yoga

The Ashtanga yoga poses comprise synchronizing up a continuous and structured series of positions with the breath. Ashtanga yoga poses have five asana series, and each one must be learned before moving to the next series.

Ashtanga Yoga poses are a more physical yoga style as compared to Hatha Yoga Poses. Ashtanga Yoga means “eight-limbed” Yoga because it focuses on:

  1. Ethical codes
  2. Self-purification and study
  3. Posture
  4. Breathing
  5. Core listening
  6. Attentiveness
  7. Meditation
  8. State of unity

Ashtanga Yoga Pose is said to calm the practitioner’s mind and improve circulation and core strength in the body. Ashtanga Yoga Pose helps in cleansing the organs and muscles. This is achieved by generating a lot of heat and sweat through the intense  Ashtanga Yoga Poses

 The elementary difference between Hatha Yoga Poses and Ashtanga yoga poses is that the former includes seven limbs, whereas the latter consists of eight limbs. Hatha yoga poses, to begin with, postures that ultimately lead you to better meditation practice. In contrast, Ashtanga yoga first focuses on self and then moves on to physical postures and meditation.

 Which style should you choose?

The answer to this question is contingent entirely on your preferences. Suppose you are planning to lose weight and tone your body. In that case, Hatha Yoga practice has to be chosen as it comprises integrating a healthy diet for cleansing the body, asanas to tone the body, and meditation to clear the mind.

 If you plan for something more evocative and more profound, and you want to transform yourself thoroughly, you should opt for Ashtanga yoga. Ashtanga yoga begins by changing yourself ethically first and then moving on to physical postures and meditation.

 You are still confused about which Yoga to opt for? Contact Dubaiyogatrainers today and talk to the yoga gurus at Dubaiyogatrainers to decide which Yoga approach is best suited for you. You can opt for a demo class with Dubaiyogatrainers to learn more about the yoga types suitable for your preferences. Dubaiyogatrainers offers a broad range of yoga classes for all age groups. Dubaiyogatrainers are keen on giving extensive yoga classes suited to your needs and preferences. 





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