Quickry Yoga Themes

Quirky Yoga Themes for a Fun and Beneficial Session

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Yoga training is often done with serious intent and lots of dedication. Yoga is not a physical activity or a way of life that should be considered lightly. Yoga has been around for over 2000 years, which makes it one of the oldest physical activities practiced by humans. Yoga poses are designed to ensure better health and harmony between the mind and body.

Over the years yoga has evolved and now there are many varieties and disciplines of yoga practiced around the world. In keeping up with the modern times, and to make yoga classes more interesting, fun and quirky yoga themes have been developed. These themes of yoga are designed to make yoga training more engaging and add a touch of fun to the otherwise serious physical activity.

Quirky Yoga Themes

1. Acroyoga


When acrobatics, yoga, and Thai massage join together, Acroyoga is born. This variety of yoga is designed mainly for athletes and must be done in pairs. Acroyoga is of two types: solar and lunar. The Solar Acroyoga focuses more on advanced acrobatics. Lunar Acroyoga is involved more in massaging the muscles. However, both Solar and Lunar Acroyoga are about working together as a pair and balancing in different yoga poses.

2. Aerial Yoga

Aerial Yoga

How about performing a few yoga poses in the air instead of down on the mat? Aerial yoga, also sometimes known as Swing Yoga, is a quirky yoga variety that you perform on cloth hammocks a few feet above the ground. Aerial yoga is as safe as any yoga training can get as the cloth hammocks can support large weights. Aerial yoga is one of the best varieties of yoga when it comes to the benefits provided. You can experience increased body flexibility, muscle strength, and stress relief, among many others. What comes as an advantage for Aerial yoga is that because it is being performed on a cloth hammock, your body is stretched more than usual, adding to the benefits.

3. Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga

Laughter is considered to be a good medicine by itself. Combine it with the techniques and postures of yoga, and you will experience one of the best health-benefiting physical activities. Laughter Yoga may sound funny but the physical and psychological benefits that it provides are beyond comparison. This is a group activity that is bound to widen your social circle. This variety of yoga includes laughter meditation and breathing techniques. Some of the benefits of Laughter yoga include relief from stress, lower risks of depression, and better immunity.

4. Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga

Also sometimes referred to as Bikram Yoga, Hot Yoga is a variety of yoga that is becoming increasingly popular. As the name refers, this is yoga training and practicing in a room that is well above normal room temperature. Hot Yoga can give your body a perfect workout, including your organs such as the lungs, heart, and even your muscles. It also provides all the benefits of regular yoga classes.

5. Silent Disco Yoga

Silent Disco Yoga

How about engaging in some yoga poses while listening to some awesome music. Silent Disco Yoga includes practicing yoga and enjoying some music played to you through wireless headphones. Silent Disco Yoga classes provide you with a calm and peaceful mind and transport you to a state of tranquillity and bliss that helps you enjoy yoga the best way.

These are some of the most popular yoga themes that are fun and engaging and beneficial for our health. Dubai Yoga Trainers provides yoga training and yoga classes across all age groups. Enroll now!

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